
    ※ 아래 P!ck 버튼을 클릭하여 다양한 영상의 큐레이션을 학습해 보세요.

  • compared to ~와 비교하여

    Compared to her, his scores are not that good.
    그녀에 비하면 그의 성적은 그다지 좋지 않다.
  • rein in 고삐를 죄다, 억제하다

    She tried to keep her emotions tightly reined in.
    그녀는 자기 감정을 단단히 억제하려고 노력했다.
  • at stake 성패가 달려 있는, 위태로운

    The prize at stake is to marry her.
    성패가 달려 있는 상은 그녀와의 결혼이다.
  • depend on ~에 의존하다, 의지하다

    The boss knew he could depend upon her to deal with the situation.
    그 상사는 그녀가 그 상황을 처리할 것으로 믿어도 된다는 것을 알고 있었다.
  • blame on ~에 죄를 씌우다, ~을 비난하다

    She tried to blame everything on him.
    그녀는 모든 것에 대해 그에게 죄를 씌우려 했다.

Listening & Shadowing infor

가급적 Script를 보지 마시고 원어민 음성에 집중해서 들으며 shadowing 해보세요. 효과가 확실합니다!
(단어 뜻이나 해석은 신경 쓰지 않아야 합니다.)

It's a surprise tumble but economists say: don't be surprised.
biggest fall in nearly eight years in German factory output blamed on special factors.
cold weather - and the impact of Christmas on the December reading.
you flip that across and look at actually factory orders, factory orders came in much better than expected."
to output, factory orders did rise ten times more than expected.
sign of a strong start to 2017 - if there are big worries about how it might end.
Donald Trump's protectionist rhetoric edging on to the European stage ...
unions, government and trade bodies now getting together to voice their concern.
a lot at stake .... Hundreds of thousands of German jobs depend on European companies selling products in the United States - and US companies investing in Europe."
Britain, the concern is inflation spiking on a weaker pound.
latest retail sales survey showing consumers reining in spending last month.
not all see a Brexit doomsday scenario yet.
IMF predicted it, the Bank of England predicted it, and a whole host of economists predicted it. It hasn't happened yet."
December retail sales already fell at their most in more than four years.
last week the Bank of England reported a slowdown in consumer borrowing.
may not have happened yet, but as other economists say, it could still happen.


동영상 뉴스를 들으면서 아래의 빈칸을 채워보세요.
실력이 쑥쑥! 자, 그럼 Dictating을 시작해 볼까요?

It's a surprise tumble but say: don't be surprised.
The biggest fall in nearly eight years in German factory output blamed on special factors.
Like cold weather - and the impact of Christmas on the December reading.
"If you flip that across and look at actually factory orders, factory orders came in much better than expected."
Compared to output, factory orders did rise ten times more than expected.
A sign of a strong start to 2017 - if there are big worries about how it might end.
With Donald Trump's rhetoric edging on to the European stage ...
German unions, and trade bodies now getting together to voice their concern.
"There's a lot at stake .... Hundreds of thousands of German jobs depend on European companies selling products in the United States - and US companies investing in Europe."
For Britain, the concern is inflation spiking on a weaker pound.
The latest retail sales survey showing reining in spending last month.
Though not all see a Brexit doomsday scenario yet.
"The IMF predicted it, the Bank of England predicted it, and a whole host of economists predicted it. It hasn't happened yet."
But December retail sales already fell at their most in more than four years.
And last week the Bank of England reported a in consumer borrowing.
It may not have happened yet, but as other economists say, it could still happen.


뉴스에 관한 질문에 답해보세요.
로이터 학습의 이해도를 높이며 깔끔하게 마무리 합니다!