
    ※ 아래 P!ck 버튼을 클릭하여 다양한 영상의 큐레이션을 학습해 보세요.

  • amicus brief 법정 의견서

    There were numerous amicus briefs filed in support of the group.
    그 집단을 지원하기 위해 수많은 법정 의견서가 제출되었다.
  • be aimed at ~을 목표로 삼다

    The regulation is aimed at reducing unemployment.
    그 규정은 실업을 줄이는 것을 목표로 삼는다.
  • lash out against ~을 맹렬히 비난하다, 후려갈기다

    They lashed out against the attorneys who represented her.
    그들은 그녀를 대변하는 변호인단을 맹렬히 비난했다.
  • rely on ~에 의지하다, 의존하다

    The president relied heavily on the mysterious shaman.
    그 대통령은 그 불가사의한 주술사에 크게 의존했다.
  • be in for ~을 당할 상황이다

    He knew that she would be in for a surprise.
    그는 그녀가 깜짝 놀라게 될 것이라는 것을 알았다.

Listening & Shadowing infor

가급적 Script를 보지 마시고 원어민 음성에 집중해서 들으며 shadowing 해보세요. 효과가 확실합니다!
(단어 뜻이나 해석은 신경 쓰지 않아야 합니다.)

President Trump could be in for more from Silicon Valley on his immigration ban. A group of tech companies plan to meet Tuesday. They'll discuss filing an amicus brief to support a lawsuit challenging Trump's order temporarily curbing immigration from seven Muslim countries. Such briefs are filed by parties who are not litigants but want to offer arguments to the judge.
those on invited to the meeting, a source said: Google, Netflix, Airbnb, Adobe Systems, Pinterest and Salesforce.com.
Valley has emerged as the most vocal corporate opponent to the immigration ban, as CEOs like Apple's Tim Cook and Netflix's Reed Hastings lashed out against it. Tech companies rely on talent from around the world, and Friday's order could leave some of their employees stranded overseas and unable to return to the U.S. The Trump Administration says the ban is aimed at increasing national security.


동영상 뉴스를 들으면서 아래의 빈칸을 채워보세요.
실력이 쑥쑥! 자, 그럼 Dictating을 시작해 볼까요?

President Trump could be in for more from Silicon Valley on his immigration ban. A group of tech companies plan to meet Tuesday. They'll discuss filing an amicus brief to a lawsuit challenging Trump's order curbing immigration from seven Muslim countries. Such briefs are filed by parties who are not but want to offer arguments to the judge.
Among those on invited to the meeting, a source said: Google, Netflix, Airbnb, Adobe Systems, Pinterest and Salesforce.com.
Silicon Valley has emerged as the most vocal corporate opponent to the immigration ban, as CEOs like Apple's Tim Cook and Netflix's Reed Hastings lashed out against it. Tech companies rely on from around the world, and Friday's could leave some of their employees stranded overseas and unable to return to the U.S. The Trump Administration says the ban is aimed at increasing national security.


뉴스에 관한 질문에 답해보세요.
로이터 학습의 이해도를 높이며 깔끔하게 마무리 합니다!