
    ※ 아래 P!ck 버튼을 클릭하여 다양한 영상의 큐레이션을 학습해 보세요.

  • far right 극우의

    He finally joined the far right organization.
    그는 마침내 그 극우 단체에 가입했다.
  • political party 정당

    She wanted to leave the disunited political party.
    그녀는 그 분열된 정당을 떠나고 싶었다.
  • lower house 하원

    The party lost many seats in the lower house.
    그 당은 하원에서 많은 의석을 잃었다.
  • due to ~에 기인하는, ~때문에

    She said it was all due to ignorance.
    그녀는 그 모든 것이 무식의 소치라고 말했다.
  • constitutional court 헌법 재판소

    The constitutional court will issue a swift ruling on the impeachment.
    헌법 재판소는 탄핵에 대한 신속한 판결을 내릴 것이다.

Listening & Shadowing infor

가급적 Script를 보지 마시고 원어민 음성에 집중해서 들으며 shadowing 해보세요. 효과가 확실합니다!
(단어 뜻이나 해석은 신경 쓰지 않아야 합니다.)

Germany's highest court rejected an historic attempt to ban a far right political party Tuesday.
Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the National Democratic Party, NPD, could not overthrow power in Germany.
NPD has around 5,000 members but, crucially, no seats in the Bundestag, German parliament's lower house.
marks the second time an attempt to ban the NPD has failed.
ruling comes amid concern over rising support for right-wing groups due to resentment over increased immigration.
the constitutional court can ban a party in Germany.
fact, it has happened only twice since the defeat of the Nazis in 1945 - both bans were in the 1950s.
court ruling comes as the NPD has been mostly been eclipsed by the rise of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party.
AfD is expected to win some seats in this year's general election and is seen as a threat to Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats.


동영상 뉴스를 들으면서 아래의 빈칸을 채워보세요.
실력이 쑥쑥! 자, 그럼 Dictating을 시작해 볼까요?

Germany's highest court rejected an historic attempt to ban a far right Tuesday.
The Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the National Democratic Party, NPD, could not overthrow power in Germany.
The NPD has around 5,000 members but, crucially, no seats in the Bundestag, German lower house.
This marks the second time an attempt to ban the NPD has failed.
The ruling comes amid concern over rising support for right-wing groups due to over increased immigration.
Only the constitutional court can ban a party in Germany.
In fact, it has happened only twice since the defeat of the Nazis in 1945 - both bans were in the 1950s.
The court ruling comes as the NPD has been been eclipsed by the rise of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party.
The AfD is expected to win some seats in this year's general election and is seen as a threat to Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats.


뉴스에 관한 질문에 답해보세요.
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