
    ※ 아래 P!ck 버튼을 클릭하여 다양한 영상의 큐레이션을 학습해 보세요.

  • not necessarily 반드시 ~은 아닌

    Their products are not necessarily better.
    그들의 제품이 반드시 더 좋은 것만은 아니다.
  • tinker with ~에 서투르게 손을 대다

    He kept tinkering with the car the whole day.
    그는 그 차에 하루 종일 서투르게 손댔다.
  • mere formality 요식행위

    The hearing was nothing more than a mere political formality.
    그 청문회는 단지 정치적 요식행위에 그쳤다.
  • politically motivated 정치적인 동기가 있는, 정략적인

    Her statement was a politically motivated action.
    그녀의 언사는 정략적인 행동이었다.
  • a done deal 합의가 끝난 일

    They insist the deal on the issue of the so-called comfort women is a done deal.
    그들은 소위 위안부라 불리는 여인들에 대한 합의가 완전히 끝난 일이라고 주장한다.

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가급적 Script를 보지 마시고 원어민 음성에 집중해서 들으며 shadowing 해보세요. 효과가 확실합니다!
(단어 뜻이나 해석은 신경 쓰지 않아야 합니다.)

Football's world cup finals are getting bigger, but not necessarily better.
voting to expand the 2026 event to 48 teams from its current 32.
say expansion will lower standards, and make the tournament too long.
world champion Germany says don't tinker with a winning formula.
among smaller nations to welcome the move though, which could boost their chances of making the finals.
new format will include a first round of 16 groups of three teams.
likely to become a mere formality for many of the bigger sides.
top club sites argue expansion is politically motivated, and will do nothing for the sport.
FIFA's ruling council unanimously backed expansion.
bigger world cup looks like a done deal.


동영상 뉴스를 들으면서 아래의 빈칸을 채워보세요.
실력이 쑥쑥! 자, 그럼 Dictating을 시작해 볼까요?

Football's world cup finals are getting bigger, but better.
FIFA voting to the 2026 event to 48 teams from its current 32.
Critics say expansion will lower standards, and make the too long.
Four-times world champion Germany says don't tinker with a winning formula.
Scotland among smaller nations to welcome the move though, which could boost their chances of making the finals.
The new will include a first round of 16 groups of three teams.
Qualifying likely to become a mere formality for many of the bigger sides.
Europe's top club sites argue is politically motivated, and will do nothing for the sport.
But FIFA's ruling council unanimously backed expansion.
The bigger world cup looks like a done deal.


뉴스에 관한 질문에 답해보세요.
로이터 학습의 이해도를 높이며 깔끔하게 마무리 합니다!