
    ※ 아래 P!ck 버튼을 클릭하여 다양한 영상의 큐레이션을 학습해 보세요.

  • in line 줄을 선

    The fans are waiting in line at the box office.
    팬들은 매표소에서 줄을 서서 기다리고 있다.
  • get some shut-eye 한숨 자다

    You had better get some shut-eye before it begins.
    그것이 시작하기 전에 한숨 자두는 것이 좋을 것이다.
  • away from ~와 떨어져서

    She just wants to run away from the situation.
    그녀는 그저 그 상황을 회피하기를 원하고 있다.
  • historic moment 역사적 순간

    The impeachment will be hailed as a historic moment.
    그 탄핵은 역사적 순간이라는 찬사를 받게 될 것이다.
  • farewell address 고별 연설

    No one will want to hear her farewell address.
    아무도 그녀의 고별 연설은 듣고 싶어하지 않을 것이다.

Listening & Shadowing infor

가급적 Script를 보지 마시고 원어민 음성에 집중해서 들으며 shadowing 해보세요. 효과가 확실합니다!
(단어 뜻이나 해석은 신경 쓰지 않아야 합니다.)

Celebrations underway in Chicago for those with tickets to President Obama's farewell address on Tuesday.
one in. Yes, we were the first one in, the first one in line."
who arrived at McCormick Place early enough Saturday got to catch some shut-eye inside away from the cold.
those outside had to brave freezing temperatures to have the chance to get tickets to what one woman said would be an historic moment.
was here for the Senate acceptance, I was here for the both inaugurals and here for the Senate, and I wanted to be here tonight, it's very important to me and for our family. Our 95 year old grandmother had dementia, but she remembered Obama."
of the tickets picked up for free here have already appeared online, with sellers asking for as much as $5,000.


동영상 뉴스를 들으면서 아래의 빈칸을 채워보세요.
실력이 쑥쑥! 자, 그럼 Dictating을 시작해 볼까요?

Celebrations underway in Chicago for those with to President Obama's farewell address on Tuesday.
"First one in. Yes, we were the first one in, the first one in line."
Those who arrived at McCormick Place early Saturday got to catch some shut-eye inside away from the cold.
But those outside had to brave freezing temperatures to have the to get tickets to what one woman said would be an historic moment.
"I was here for the Senate I was here for the both inaugurals and here for the Senate, and I wanted to be here tonight, it's very important to me and for our family. Our 95 year old grandmother had dementia, but she remembered Obama."
Some of the tickets picked up for free here have appeared online, with sellers asking for as much as $5,000.


뉴스에 관한 질문에 답해보세요.
로이터 학습의 이해도를 높이며 깔끔하게 마무리 합니다!